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Have a question for RFIDHY’s RFID experts? Use this form to ask, or to schedule a free initial consultation.

    Archive management is one of RFID mainly Application field.
    As a RFID assets provider, customer often enquiries around paper-based assets. For example, files, folders, invoices and hard-copy documentation. In the digital age, it seems that paper is not going away any time soon. Part of this is a legacy issue, while many files started many years ago. Plus, part is a legal requirement. For instance, maintaining actual records with actual signatures is important.

    RFID Archive management has used our product as a base. Suitably configured for specialize file tracking, in several interesting projects. Some government departments maintain enormous archives of materials where store files but rarely to retrieve. However, when they require a retrieval, especial for an urgent referral. You need to do it quickly.

    Other clients have a system of file review where paper-based files move rapidly around several desks in multiple offices. And tracking those can be a particular challenge. In this later case, RFID tags are a boon. Even when they can’t see them, you can still track the files. For example, they are under other files, in a briefcase or have fallen down behind a desk.

    In our experience, every file and archive management situation is different. The requirements revolve around volume and velocity of material, storage methods, security concerns and end-goals of the user. RFIDHY will give you a recommandation according to your epecific needs.